Alex Davidson
Position - General Director
Founded the company, Intellect Pictures, in 2011. Alex started his career as a filmmaker and found a niche in the market when it came to finding distribution channels for his own films, hence the creation of Intellect Pictures.
Intellect Pictures is a film production, finance and distribution Corporation based in Los Angeles and Toronto. The company distributes more than 80 films with a total production budget of more than $90 million. The company produces several short and full-length feature films and documentaries per year.

Alexander Parker
Position - Media and Press Director
A local to Madrid, Spain, since graduating high film school, Alexander has found work in the local independent film scene working as a Director for film production companies. In Intellect Pictures Alexander is responsible for the Press and Media activity.

Angelina Derbane
Position - Sales Manager
A local to New York, USA, since graduating film school, Angelina has found work in the local independent film scene working as an assistant editor for low budget films. Angelina has been working at Intellect Pictures for 7 years. After joining the company in 2011 as an intern, she became a valuable member of the team and eventually worked her way up the ladder to the position of Sales Manager. Angelina works alongside Andrew Harris at Intellect Pictures distribution where they are both busy editing the company's new film releases that will be hitting the screens in 2022. Angelina is working on the film adaptation of one of the new script in partnership with Intellect Pictures distribution company.

Maria Santos
Position - Head of Finance
A local to Toronto, Canada, since graduating film school, Maria has found work in the local independent film scene working as an assistant editor for low budget films. Maria works at Intellect Pictures and World Film Fair where where she is busy editing the company's new film releases that will be hitting the screens in 2022. Angelina is working on the film adaptation of one of the new script in partnership with Intellect Pictures distribution company. She is also responsible for the work of operators and installation in the company. Maria Santos is also the Head of Finance in Intellect Pictures

Alex Smith
Alex has been an assistant producer on many independent films, the most recent being Success Formula. Alex is employed by Intellect Pictures in 2010. The company distributes more than 80 films with a total production budget of more than $70 million. The company produces several short and full-length feature films and documentaries per year.
Brad Johnson
Brad Johnson has been working at Intellect Pictures Company for more than 10 years. In the company, he is responsible for working abroad. In particular, with China, where the company is developing more than 5 major projects in the field of film production and distribution of films. In China, Intellect Pictures has opened two aggregators of film festivals and films, and is also working with local film studios as part of these projects.
Pavel Pankov
Alex has written many films over the years, the most notable to date being "Black Mud" and "Success Formula" which he aims to get onto TV and theatre screens around the world by the end of 2021. Alex is working on the film adaptation of one of his new scripts in partnership with Intellect Pictures distribution company. They are a large company with a total production budget of over $70 million per year.
Robert Robinson
Robert has worked for many years operating cameras and has worked on hundreds of independent films in his time. He is most well known for his camera work on some of the Intellect Pictures distribution companies documentaries where he has been an integral part of the camera team for many years. His work at Intellect Pictures distribution has meant he works on more than 80 feature, short and documentary films every year operating within a budget of $70 million.
Carl Jackson
Carl Jackson is a seasoned camera operator with many years of experience under his belt from working on both films and advertisements. His work at Intellect Pictures distribution has meant he works on more than 80 feature, short and documentary films every year operating within a budget of $70 million. Carl started off as a scriptwriter before moving into producing documentary films
Sara Davis
A familiar face in the world of independent film, Sara, has worked on many films and series with independent filmmakers and is hoping to expand into the box office movie market one day. At the moment, Sara is focused on the creation of feature films for a distribution company called Intellect Pictures. They are a large company with a total production budget of over $70 million per year.
Sophie Moore
Sophie has recently completed a degree in film from a New York University and is now making her first foray into production in the film world in conjunction with her work at the distribution company, Intellect Pictures,where she oversees the production of multiple short and feature length films per year. She is working as an Assistent Producer (Producer) in Intellect Pictures
Andrew Harris
Andrew was born in London, UK on February 12th 1983. He is an assistant editor and is most well known for his work on the film Success Formula. Following on from his work on Success Formula, Andrew began working with Intellect Pictures, the distribution agency for Success Formula and is now working as an editor on some of their feature and short films that are due for release in 2022. They are a large company with a total production budget of over $70 million per year.